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    Notice Board

    05/09/2018 Update

    The information for activity classes on the course page have now updated.

     Business Chinese Course

    Together with Scottish Confucius Institute for Business and Communication at Heriot-Watt University, we are now offering a new Business Chinese Course for beginner from Saturday, 06/10/2018. Please following the course details for more information and how to register.

    2018/19 Courses, fees and registration information for 2018/19

    2018/19  Related information available as following link  :

    1. 2018/19  Term Date
    2. 2018/19 Courses and Activity Classes
    3. Registration for Chinese Courses and Activity Classes
    4. 2018/19 Fee for Courses and Activity Classes and payment instruction



    Join Us section
    A few vacancies for activity class are open now. More details can be found in Join Us section