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    Notice Board

    April 2014

    在我们庆祝建校20周年之际,我校荣获中华人民共和国侨务办公室颁发的”华文教育示范学校” 的称号。4月3号下午在爱丁堡中国总领馆,李克校长从潘总领手中领取了示范学校证书。这一荣誉是对我们20年来坚持中文教育的肯定,也是对无数志愿者辛勤付出的最佳回报。我们希望能以此为契机,使华夏中文学校的工作更上一层楼。 To add to the celebration of the school’s 20th anniversary, ACCS has been given the prestiges award of “Model School for Chinese Education” by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the PRC State Council. On the April the third, ACCS headmaster Dr Ke Li accepted the award from the Counsel General Pan at the Chinese Consulate in Edinburgh. This award is the recognition of the school’s achievements in Chinese education in the last 20 years and will greatly boost our efforts in building a better school.