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    Feburary 2014

    华夏中文学校庆祝建校20周年及马年联欢会在Central Hall举行。 来自中国驻爱丁堡总领馆的张华中付总领事及其他爱丁堡华人社团,兄弟学校的代表和我校师生一起回顾20年来的历程,尽情欣赏由师生们共同准备的精彩节目,渡过了一段愉快的时光。 二十年来,中文学校 所带来的不仅仅是中文教育,更重要的是一批又一批志愿者在其中不断传承着的无私奉献精神,这种精神把一个一个的海外游子凝聚在一起,成就了今天这个温暖蓬勃的华人社区。我们祝愿这种精神永远流传,也祝愿我们的学校和华人社会更加繁荣和谐。 ACCS is holding a Chinese New Year and 20 years anniversary celebration party at Central Hall on the 8th of February 2014. Deputy Consul General Mr Zhang Huazhong and other honorable guests from the local communities came together to enjoy the special time and great performances put together by our pupils and friends. 20 years of commitment of the parents, children and countless volunteers. In this great anniversary, we are celebrating not only the great accomplishments achieved by the hard work of our children and teachers but also the spirit of giving and sacrifices which bound us together so well for so long. May the year of horse bring everybody good health and every success you worked hard for. May it also bring energy, prosperity and most of all, great spirits and harmony to our community.