November 2014
11月8日,中华人民共和国驻爱丁堡总领馆总领事潘新春先生在申德春领事的陪同下,考察了我校。潘总领事与校董和校委成员进行了座谈。李克校长就我校的沿革、办学方针、办学条件和所取得的成绩,尤其是近几年的快速发展进行了简单的介绍。 潘总领事对我校多年来克服重重困难办学,弘扬中华文化的不懈努力表示赞赏。 他对我校开办SQA班,与当地升学考试要求结合起来的尝试表示鼓励。他希望我校不仅要传播历史悠久、光辉灿烂的中国传统文化,还要向学生宣介当下中国在各个方面所取得的辉煌、举世瞩目的成就。座谈会后,潘总领事为我校“华文教育示范学校”牌匾举行了简短的揭牌仪式。然后,总领一行参观了 教室,和部分师生进行了交谈。On 8th of November, Consul General Pan Xinchun and Consul Shen Dechun, from the People’s Republic of China Consulate General in Edinburgh, paid a visit to our school. Mr. Pan had a short meeting with members of the School Board of Trustees and the School Management Committee. Headmaster Dr Li Ke gave a brief on the history, teaching, facilities and achievements of our school. Mr Pan expressed his appreaciation to our efforts in teaching Chinese language and Chinese cultures despite of limited resources. He encourged our school not only to spread traditional Chinese culture, but also to introduce the remarkable achievements of modern China to our young generations. After the meeting, the Consul general toured classrooms and met some teachers and students.