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    October 2014

    10月24日至26日,2014年“共庆中国年•八闽文化走进英国”秋令营爱丁堡分营在我校举办。在为期2天半的秋令营期间,来自于爱丁堡华夏中文学校、 爱侨中文学校,格拉斯哥中文学校和邓迪中文学校的孩子们,在福建泉州师范学院教授们的指导下,参加了《中国书画》、《福建剪纸》、《南少林武术》、《经典诵读与普通话正音》 及《八闽茶韵》等丰富多彩的活动。这是孩子们一个难得的体验、欣赏八闽文化的机会。此秋令营由中国华文教育基金会举办,福建省海外华文教育发展中心和英国中文教育促进会承办, 爱丁堡华夏中文学校协办。From 24th to 26th October, an autumn camp with the theme of Fujian culture took place at our school. During the two and a half days, children from the Alba Cathay Chinese School, Edinburgh Chinese School, Glasgow Chinese School and Dundee Chinese School experienced and appreciated the Fujian Culture by attending the “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy”, “Fujian paper-cut,” “Southern Shaolin Martial Arts”, “classic reading ” and “Fujian tea appreciation” classes. This autumn camp was organized by the Foundation of Chinese Education of China, the Centre for Overseas Chinese Education of Fujian Province and the UK Association of Promotion of Chinese Education (UKAPCE), It was hosted by the Alba Cathay Chinese School.