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    Important Anouncement of School Arrangement/学校安排重要通知 (01/12/2017)

    经过校委会和校董会几个月时间的艰苦努力, Boroughmuir中学确认我们在其现在的老楼一直上课到2018年2月3日,它也计划让我们在2018年4月21日搬入其距现在位置几百米远的新楼上课。
    由于2018年2月3日至4月21日期间, Boroughmuir新楼在周末安排了后续建筑检修施工,影响到我们原教学安排的6次课。
    因此,我们将2018年2月10日的课挪到2017年12月16日上;为避免在其新楼开始日期延后的风险,我们特别在2018年1月13日安排一次上课。目前我们正在为2月24日、3月3日、10日、17日以及24日共5次课做适当的过渡安排,并制定灵活的计划应对 Boroughmuir 新楼延期开始的风险。这些过渡安排妥当之后,我们会及时通知大家。
    特别明确一下,在现在 Boroughmuir 老楼,我们还有以下6次课,即: 2017年12月9日和16日; 2018年1月13、20和27日; 2018年2月3日。
    After the great efforts made by both School’s Management Committee and Board of Trustees, we are very pleased to announce that the Boroughmuir High School has now confirmed that in its current old building we are able to run our school until the 3rd February 2018 with a planned re-start on the Sat 21st April 2018 in its new building ( a few of hundreds metres away from its current location).
    The gap between the 3rd Feb and 21st April 2018 is due to the post-contract building work which is scheduled at weekends. This will affect our 6 class dates originally scheduled. We therefore move the 10th Feb 2018 class to the 16th Dec 2017. To avoid any potential delayed re-start date, we add another class on the 13th Jan 2018. We are now making alternative arrangements for the other 5 affected classes on the 24th Feb, 3rd,10th,17th and 24th March 2018 together with a flexible plan for the potential delay due to new Boroughmuir building’s readiness for us to move in. We will let you know in due course once these alternative arrangements are made.
    To clarify further, in the current old building we will have the following school dates: 9th and 16th Dec 2017; 13th, 20th, and 27th January 2018; and 3rd Feb 2018 Many thanks for your attention and great support during this challenging transitional period of our school. Please remind each other of this important announcement.

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