December 2014
我校学生在2014年UKAPCE承办的中华文化才艺大赛中又有突出表现。共有6为同学在苏格兰赛区脱颖而出,他们是贺漓洒,李屹娇,李雨辰,曾天祥,邓梓楚,沈煜。12月19日-30日,6名同学作为英国代表队的成员参加了 在中国厦门举行的第三届海外华裔青少年中华文化才艺大赛的总决赛。 10多天的时间里,我校选手和来自世界各地的200多名同龄人一起同场竞技,参加了中华知识,器乐,朗诵,舞蹈等项目的比赛。曾天祥(8班)同学(13岁) 在演讲比赛中表现出色,获得第三名及助学金2000元人民币。李屹娇(SQA班)同学(16岁)在强手如林的乐器类比赛中获得了第六名的好成绩。这两个奖项既是是英国队的全部奖项也是英国队参赛历史上的第一次,实现了英国队获奖的零的突破。 Well done, ACCS boys and girls! Our school had a great success in the 2014 Talent Contest on the Chinese Culture. Six pupils from our school were shortlisted after the semi-final (Scotland). They are He Lisha, Li Yijiao, Li Yuchen, Zeng Tianxiang, Deng Zichu, Shen Yu. In December, they flied to Xiamen, China as members of the British team and took part in the finals of the Third Overseas Chinese Youth Talent Contest in the Chinese Culture from December 19 to 30. During the 11-day contest, they competed against over 200 peers from the world in knowledge of Chinese culture, instrumental music, recitation and dance. Zeng Tianxiang (Class 8, 13 years old) performed well in the speech contest, finished third and won a prize of ¥2000. Li Yi Jiao (SQA class, 16 years old) won the sixth place in the intensive competition in Chinese instrumental music. They made a history for the British team to won awards for the first time.
12月7-8日,校委会秘书曾志强博士代表我校出席了中国国务院侨务办公室在北京举办的“第三届世界华文教育大会”。500多名来自海内外的华文教育领域代表参加了此次会议。大会开幕式在人民大会堂举行。国务委员杨洁篪接见了全体代表。开幕式上, 包括我校在内的38所海外华校被授予“华文教育示范学校”牌匾。在两天的会程中,与会代表围绕着“发展华文教育,振兴华文学校”的主题进行了分组讨论、主题论坛等形式多样的信息交流和研讨。9-11日,曾志强秘书还参加了赴湖南省的文教考察。 December 7-8, Dr. Zeng Zhiqiang , Secretary of the School Committee, attended ” The Third International Conference on Chinese Education” in Beijing. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council organized the conference. More than 500 representatives from home and abroad attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was held in the Great Hall. 38 overseas Chinese schools around the world including our school, were awarded ” Model Schools of Chinese Education ” plaques. During the two days of the conference, the delegates took part of group discussions, forums and other forms of information exchange and discussion with the theme “Promoting Chinese education, revitalizing Chinese schools”.
12月13日,学校组织邀请就读于牛津大学医学系的校友太子豪来我校为高年级学生作了一场声情并茂,内容丰富的讲座。讲座涉及大学申请程序,面试技巧,个人简历的准备等一系列大家关心的问题。共有30多位学生及家长参加了讲座。 December 13th, the school invited alumnus Mr Tai ZiHao, who is currently studying medicine at Oxford University, to come and give a talk on university application. The talk was very informative, the process of application, interview skills and personal statement preparation, etc. are all well articulated. Over 30 pupils and parents attended the talk and the Q&A session afterwards.